Global Records and Research Foundation

Global Records and Research Foundation (G.R.R.F.) is a 'Premier Records Processing Authority' in the field of Standardization, Uniformity and Measurement of Records globally. These pillars constitute basics in measurement of human achievements including amazing, extraordinary, unusual and breathtaking records! It is a collaboration of multi-disciplinary groups, institutions and record books. G.R.R.F. is dedicated to initiate and lead the projects and research in Standardization, Uniformity and Consistency in measuring techniques.

'Uniform and Standardized Procedures' are hallmark of 'Global Records and Research Foundation'. It will provide one of the best experience in evaluation and measurement of human achievements / feat in every possible sphere of life. 'Affordability, Accessibility and Accountability' will be guiding principles of 'Global Records and Research Foundation'.

Premier Records Processing Authority !!

Global Records & Research Foundation

Head Office : A 19, Savitri Green 2, Gazipur Road, Zirakpur, Dist. SAS Nagar, Punjab (India) Pin 140603

# +91 9915049550 , +91 9317949550 ,